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Volunteers are always needed to cook, pack, and clean up after the meal on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 8:30 A.M. until noon for the Hanover Area Council of Churches (HACC).  At this time, we have no contact with the clients and are only exposed to people that are working within our team.  Clients pick up a to-go box that contains their meal.  The location is 136 Carlisle Street, Hanover.  Please contact Mary Bixler if you have any questions.


Laundry Love

Laundry Love is in full swing even though it looks different than it has in the past.  Currently we are meeting with clients to distribute money and laundry supplies for them to use for their laundry. 


Summer Lunch Program

Each summer we gather food to be distributed to families in need in the Hanover area. A list of items needed can be found in our monthly newsletter.