Faith Formation
Adult Sunday School
Who is Christ for us today? - Through our work at the intersection of civic life and faith, we often encounter a Church and world grappling with deep divisions and deep questions about what it means to be disciples of Jesus Christ. How does one hold onto their deep convictions while staying in relationship with their neighbor? How does one engage passionately and peacefully? What is the most faithful path to take where hatred and spite seem to reign? ‘Who is Christ for us today?’ is the question [Dietrich] Bonhoeffer came back to again and again.”
This quote is from the introduction to the study “Lessons from Dietrich Bonhoeffer in a House Divided and a World on Fire? Bonhoeffer was an influential Lutheran theologian and pastor during the Nazi regime in Germany in the 1930’s and 40’s, and was imprisoned and executed for his role in a Hitler assassination plot. His writings on discipleship can still offer us great insight to the struggle of faithfulness in a broken and imperfect political system, especially during this current time of political transition in our own country.
Pastor Cynthia Baxter will lead the adult class in this four-week curriculum during January 2025. This study was prepared by Dr. Lori Brandt Hale for Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania (LAMPa). Dr. Brandt is President of the International Bonhoeffer Society - English Language Section, and Professor of Religion and Philosophy in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Augsburg University, Minneapolis, MN.
Meets Sundays at 9:30.
Adult Sunday School
Back by popular demand, we will be looking at season two of The Chosen. This class will meet in the classroom. This is a unique television series that presents biblical material. You are asked to watch an episode at home with discussion occurring during Sunday School.
Meets Sundays at 9:30.
Children's Sunday School
Children ages pre-k to fifth grade will explore a new Bible story using the Holy Moly curriculum.
Meets Sundays at 9:30.
Sharing the Word (Zoom)
Ever wonder about The Wired Word? It’s a unique way to study the Bible with St. David’s parishioners while also discussing a current story in the news. PLUS you don’t have to drive anywhere!
We meet via computer, tablet or telephone on Wednesdays, from 7 to 8 pm. (However, we don’t meet when St. David’s has an evening service at church or when holidays or summertime travels conflict.)
Meets Wednesday at 7:00 via Zoom