Sunday Worship

8:00 A.M. & 10:45 A.M.

  • Lenten Midweek Events

    Lenten midweek meals and worship services are here! We will begin serving the meal in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 P.M.  A sign-up sheet is located in the hallway for the meal and a clean-up crew.  The service will take place in the sanctuary at 7:00 P.M. The theme of this year’s Lenten services will be, “Psalms of Anguish, Words of Hope.”

    March 12th – Psalm 121:1-8

    March 19th – Psalm 31:1-24

    March 26th – Psalm 130:1-8

    April 2nd – Psalm 118:1-29 (Luther’s Favorite Psalm)

    April 9th – Psalm 22:1-31

  • Ice Cream Social and Auction

    Please join us for an Ice Cream Social and Auction on March 15th at 5:30 P.M. Dinner will begin at 5:30 with chicken, iced tea, coffee and all you can eat ice cream with all the toppings. Please bring your favorite covered dish to share. Space is limited so please sign up early. The auction will begin at 6:30. Auction items are needed for this event. Some examples may include handmade items, new items, themed baskets or gently used (like new) items. All proceeds earned from this event will be going towards the restoration of the Fellowship Hall. This event is sponsored by the St. David’s Auxiliary.

  • Faith Formation

    We have Sunday School available for all ages! Please click the button below to learn more about our Children’s and Adult Classes.

Worship on YouTube

A recorded digital worship can be found on YouTube 24/7.


Weekly Announcements

Want to know what is going on this week at St. David’s? Take a look at our weekly announcements. You can find out worship information, upcoming events and who is in need of your prayers.